I am terrible with awards and tend to bail out and pass on to all who visit my blog but not this time!!! I will follow the rules and not rebel!!! Lol
The 1st one is from the lovely Moni - Thank you Moni x x x
No rules with this one so it is open to all....take and show on your blog with love from me.

This 2nd award is off the lovely Leanne who I am just starting to get to know due to us both recently being chosen for the Funky Fairy's Challenge Blog.
Thank You Leanne x x x

Here are the one's I chose:-
Clare - Her blog always makes me laugh and she has made so much progress with her creations
Joanne - Gorgeous blog and creations, always has time to leave comments, I don't think she ever misses a post
Moni - For the same reasons as Joanne.
I also picked up this little guy off Leanne's blog (hope she doesn't mind)....made me laugh so I thought I would share with you.
Congrats on the awards, and thank you of thinking of me! Hugs, Moni
Congrats on your awards Emma, I love the little glow worm ditty, it has made me smile, I received your addy, thanks :)
Gina xxx
Congrats on the awards Hun and thank you for thinking of me and my blog. Joanne xx
Congratz and a very Happy Birthday
Hope your day if full of fun:)
Mel x
congrats on the awards hun xx you deserve it hun xx
and thanks for thinking of me and giving me award..and im glad you find my blog funny..pmsl
hugs clare xx
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